Thursday, November 8, 2012

Imagine (with apologies to John Lennon)

The Presidential election is now a couple of days past, and regardless of what you feel about the results, I suspect you feel a sense of relief.  A brief respite from political ads and sound bites is very welcome!

By some accounts, this most costly of elections cost the participants in the Presidential race over $1 billion. Overall, in all races, approximately $2.5 billion was spent.  All for thirty second snippets to tell us how bad their opponent is.

Imagine what that $2.5 million could have done.  I have this fantasy of the candidates using their campaign war chests to actually solve problems on the ground in the areas they are campaigning in.

Imagine if a senatorial candidate bankrolled a road project or a job fair.  Think about someone running for representative paying the mortgage for an underfunded social service agency or hiring a couple of teachers for a struggling school district.

Imagine presidential candidates personnally investing in projects they believe in.  I think that we would all start to look forward to campaign season as a time when things really happened as opposed to a time filled with too much rhetoric and too little action.

Imagine how this election season would have changed if we had candidates who decided to show rather than say.

The only losers would be the television networks.  I'm OK with that.

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