Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Boom and Bust of the Last Buggy Whip Manufacturer

The last buggy whip manufacturer must have done very well for a while.*  Buggy whip purchases undoubtedly declined rapidly with the advent of the automobile.  Nevertheless, there was still a demand for them as some people were reluctant to adapt to the new "iron horses," some people couldn't afford the new transportation option and others couldn't get one because there was no one selling automobiles in their area.

As demand for buggy whips faded, buggy whip manufacturers would go out of business, consolidating the market with fewer and fewer companies.  At some point, there was probably only one company making the whips in a market.  For a while, enjoying 100% market share, things were probably pretty good for that last company.  But since demand continued to decline, eventually business would turn sour for that last company, eventually forcing them to close their doors.


Unless that last buggy whip manufacturer looked up from their work long enough to see the dark clouds on the horizon.  Unless that last company invested in the future, figuring out how they could leverage their expertise into something new.  Perhaps manufacturing items for Mr. Ford's assembly line.  Perhaps getting out of transportation altogether and finding a niche somewhere else.

Things haven't really changed that much in the last 120 years.  We have a lot of buggy whip manufacturers these days.  Some are thinking things are OK because market share keep going up, not even realizing they are the last one of their kind around.  Others are innovating and changing their future.  We live in times of rapid change.  Just about the only thing you can be sure of these days is that sooner or later, you will be working for a buggy whip manufacturer.  Be prepared.

*All buggy whip-related statements are pure conjecture on the part of the author.  No research on the rise or fall of the buggy whip industry was conducted.  If a reader HAS done such research and finds my conjecture lacking, I ask them to please explain my oversights and shortcomings in the comments.  Please also explain why you are doing research into the rise and fall of the buggy whip industry.



    Buggy whips still available. Though I do like this review:

    "By jimminy! This buggy whip is the bees knees!

    "Ever since I got my iPad I have been searching high and low for a buggy whip as fine as those offered through the Sears and Roebuck Catalog and finally I have found one!" - Wing Nutte, DC

    1. Thanks David! I guess I am glad to know that there are still buggy whips out there. I also like the review!
