Sunday, July 22, 2012

Don't Wait For Perfection

"Artists who seek perfection in everything are those who cannot attain it in anything."     Eugene Delacroix  (1798 - 1863)

I read an online article recently that advised that entrepreneurs and dreamers seeking to start a business shouldn't wait until they have everything worked out perfectly before they make things operational.  Better to get into the marketplace and test out your vision and theories in the real world, the article advised, than to tinker away in the ivory tower striving for theoretical perfection.

I guess I am doing just that with one project I am a part of.  I am working with a group of much more talented and much harder working people that are starting a community radio station. We certainly did not wait until we had things worked out to perfection, had the line up nailed down or even the entire venture completely imagined.  Instead, we started broadcasting and started talking about what we are trying to do with anyone and everyone who would listen.

The community support we have received and continue to receive has been nothing short of remarkable.  People want to see this happen.  I think that it is true that people tend to want to support what one mentor I had called BHAGs, Big Hairy Audacious Goals.  This is especially true if there is evidence of some amount of energy, effort and resources being devoted to the BHAG.

Also, when you road test a dream, when you drag it off of your sketch pad and into reality, interesting things start to happen.  Opportunities occur that you never would have been able to anticipate or plan for.  Bumps in the road, some good and some not so, help to start to shape the culture of your budding enterprise.  New people step up and a few step back.  Reality, when it meets dreams, can create some awesome and plan-altering fireworks!

One of the lessons I have taken from this venture so far is that it is worthwhile to roll up your sleeves, put your shoulder to the wheel and roll your dream into the marketplace.  While it is almost always scary, it is a also a great way to see how your plans and dreams stand up to the harsh spotlight of reality and the marketplace.

Oh, and by the way, if you want to listen to our station, we broadcast 24/7 on or at AM1610 if you are in Harvard, IL.  Thanks for listening, even though things aren't yet perfect!


  1. Having jumped in on a couple of projects of my own and advised on a few others, I can understand what you're saying. The key is knowing WHEN to jump. Crossing every T and doting every I is one thing and starting too soon with too many holes unaddressed in your plan is another. I've seen too many people crash and burn on business ventures because they weren't ready either emotionally or financially and figured they could "wing it" because they didn't have someone to whisper to them "not yet, what about this?" or chose to ignore them. It's better when you've got a group of people working together so collaboratively you can cover more of the "what ifs?" before starting. I've also experienced the sense of accomplishment that you've just described at your success. We're pulling for you and good luck!

  2. Thank you, Bill! This post was timely and inspiring. Todd and I have witnessed exactly what you are writing about in trying out our own freelance endeavors. We're discovering things and making connections we couldn't have anticipated if our dreams were still on the drawing board. The subsequent snowball effect of confidence and experience is amazing. Thanks for the added push!
