Thursday, July 12, 2012

...with a little help from my friends

I just spent a few days at a conference of people who do what I do for a living. There is a tremendous rejuvinating power in being surrounded for a short while by people who walk in the same trenches you do; you begin to realize that maybe, just maybe, you aren't crazy! If people are giving seminar presentations on the challenges you are facing, you probably aren't the only one facing them! Conferences can be a great place to make new contacts and revive old ones, shake off the dust of the regular work week, collect new pens, and make friends. ...and besides that, it's a lot of fun!


  1. Bill, I just returned from a conference of folks in my field, and I agree 100% with what you said. I would add that, while the economy remains very tough, an employer that cuts all such opportunities is being penny wise and pound foolish. I think the intangible benefits to the employer are priceless.

  2. Absolutely! I know that I always come back energized, full of new ideas, and ready to try to live up to the high standards that my colleagues set and inspire me to! A good bargain for my employer!

  3. I agree Bill, so rejuvenating! I'm sorry I've missed the last few years!

  4. It was great to see you and all of our INSPRA team in a more relaxed atmosphere. Always great to share stories!
