Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Falling Out With the Fall Line-up

In the newspaper recently they were profiling the fall lineup of new TV shows.  It got me to wondering why there is even a fall lineup anymore?

If I were running a network, I would thumb my nose at the tradition of starting all my television series at the same time.
Icon of a television.

I would start shows a month before everyone else to try to capture audiences before everyone is out with their new shows.

I would start shows a month after everyone else to give viewers something new and intriguing to check out once they realize they are bored with all the month-old series.

I would release shows throughout the year, not just in September and May, because people who watch television have many ways to watch television at their convenience and according to their schedule.  Having new shows coming out all of the time seems like the best way to keep excitement up about my network. Besides providing high quality content, of course.

I assume that most of you who are reading this blog don't run a television network.  But think about traditions and customs in your business and industry.  Can you make yourself stand out by breaking with tradition?  Can you generate a strategic advantage, even if only for the short term, by not following "the rules"?  Can you generate "ratings" by doing something different?

Then do it!  Because if you don't, most likely all but your most loyal customers will be turning the channel.
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  1. Bill, very good ideas of trying to be different even if I am not running a TV network. It seems that your tips all suggest doing something outside of the box. I now have to give that some thought as I think we get into a rut.

    1. Thanks for your comment Arleen! YOu got the message! I think as much as possible, we want to avoid being like the major television networks! They seem to be the antithesis of creativity and originality in my mind!
