Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Local Newspaper

There is nothing quite like a local newspaper.  It is a unique information source.  It is a unique community resource.

It is the local newspaper that lets you know about the high school soccer team or the city council debate on zoning law changes.  It is the local newspaper that highlights the local almost-celebrity, tells you about the opening of a new business, and provides you a review of a local theater production.

Newspapers B&W (4)It is a local reporter who works for a local newspaper that often uncovers a local politician who bends the truth, or the law.  It is that reporter who writes the Freedom of Information Act requests and sits through the city council meetings to ensure that someone is paying attention to the actions of those in power.

It is the local reporter and the local newspaper who hold up the small town heroes, philanthropists, business owners and politicians when they do something extraordinary.  It is that same reporter and newspaper who tell you, sometimes with barely contained disappointment, or rage, when those same people puts their own interests in front of the interest of the public.

Because of these things, I subscribe to several local newspapers.

Because I want to make sure there is someone to sit through the municipal meetings, I subscribe to a local newspaper.

Because I think the fourth estate is a vitally important part of the United States governance structure, I subscribe to a local newspaper.

Virtually every major news story started with a local reporter, somewhere, noticing something and following up on his instincts.  Because I want a strong and active news media and because I feel that local newspapers are more independent and more likely to follow a lead regardless of the implications, I subscribe to local newspapers.

I understand that my subscription fee actually does very little to cover the expenses of publishing the newspapers I read.  BUT, those newspapers sell advertising based on the numbers of readers and subscribers they have.  By subscribing and reading my local newspapers, I am helping them sell advertising and stay alive.

By subscribing and reading local newspapers I am supporting grassroots journalism and community development, community focused media and editorial engagement.  I am supporting an open and informed society.

Not bad for a little bit of newsprint and ink!
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