Monday, November 4, 2013

Monday, Monday

"Monday Monday, can't trust that day, Monday Monday, sometimes it just turns out that way"             
The Mamas and the Papas
Why are there so many songs celebrating the weekend and lamenting Monday?  Why are so many of them country songs?  Why does Monday have such a bad reputation?  Why is Wednesday known as "Hump Day"?  Why does the weekend go by so fast?  These are questions I have.

In November 2013 issue of Inc., there is an article titled "29 Skills Every Founder Needs to Master."
Number three on their list is "How to Love Your Own Company."

According to Brooks Bell, CEO of the eponymous technology company, not even founders always look forward to coming into the office.  "Everyone assumes the company's CEO is fully committed to the vision.  The truth is, a lot of CEO's aren't."

She goes on to talk about how her company had become opportunistic and were chasing after every customer and every sale instead of being focused and strategic.  The company she started, HER company, was no longer fun to work at.

Ms. Bell refocused the company so that it was more in line with her vision.  While the transition was painful ("...the most difficult moment I've ever had.") it set the company back on track.  It made the company, and her job, more exciting and rewarding.

Most of us do not have the opportunity to refocus our companies to make work more enjoyable.  But we have some influence on how our jobs are focused.  And how we focus on our jobs.  If you find yourself not loving what you do, not having fun, find something that you DO love, and chase after it.  Whether its in your current job, or your next one.

For those of you who have people working for you, it is important to think of this from their perspective.  Doesn't it make sense to operate your department, division or company in a way that makes employees excited about Monday?  Doesn't it make sense to engage your staff so that they have the opportunity to help you keep the company focused and with a clear vision?  Doesn't it make sense to help your staff learn to love their jobs?

Wouldn't it be nice to hear a happy song about Mondays?

"Most of my life I have done what I wanted to do.  I have had fun on the job." 
 Walt Disney

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