Monday, November 11, 2013


The US Flag Flies under Open Skies (Dinosaur N...
Today, in the United States, we are celebrating Veteran's Day.  This is a day which honors the men and women who have served in the military. Honestly, one day is not enough.

This day always causes me to think about service.  Those in the military give greatly of themselves in the service of the country.  There is much we can also do as individual, as organizations and as communities to be of service to others.

You don't have to match the level of service demonstrated by our soldiers and veterans to have your service mean something.   Service comes in many forms, shapes and sizes.  Even little acts of service add up to make a significant difference.

A company that nurtures service with its employees, whether through company-wide days of community service or through supporting and encouraging community involvement, will find its employees more satisfied and more committed to their employer.  Employees are happy because they recognize that they are making a difference.

So honor those soldiers in your life.  Thank them for their service, then honor them by performing an act of service in their honor.  Happy Veterans Day!
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